
Here you will not only find the latest happenings with DDB, but you will also get to read about little snippets of things I find moving, important, random, or informative/helpful to others. I hope that by giving you a little insight into my life that you will have the opportunity to understand me a bit more. Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A Layout I'm finally happy with!!

Wow.... after hours and hours of playing around with html codes, 880px, left side bars....etc.... I have FINALLY gotten my blog to look the way I want it to! Hallelujah!!!! I owe it all thanks to http://www.thecutestblogontheblock.com

Phew! Without that site and their very detailed instructions as to how to customize my layout, I never would've been able to get it done!

Nice work over there!!!

Thank you kindly!

Happy 4th everyone!!!


  1. Woo hoo! Good job! I am thinking about "tweaking" my blog but just thinking about that whole HTML thing makes we want to break out in hives :) One of these days though!
    Take care, Susan
    Oh and by the way, I do like the new look.

  2. Good job on the layout! It's really cute.
