
Here you will not only find the latest happenings with DDB, but you will also get to read about little snippets of things I find moving, important, random, or informative/helpful to others. I hope that by giving you a little insight into my life that you will have the opportunity to understand me a bit more. Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Three Powerful Words

So yesterday I'm sitting in traffic, driving home from my daily 9 to 5 grind. I'm in the right lane. A landrover is next to me. There are two young girls probably no more than 12 with the windows down. One in the front seat and the other in the back. The one in the front seat screams out to me "Jesus Loves You!" At first I'm thinking this is a little strange. But then this smile comes across my face. What powerful words to be screaming out to cars. I saw her scream the same words out to the car in front of me. They also had their window down. And their reaction as well was a positive one. I watched these girls continue their little movement. I continued driving when this feeling just peacefully resonated within me. I guess I NEEDED to hear those three words. I've been struggling lately with negative emotions and things going on. And this was the positive sign I needed to guide me in another direction. SOMEone knew I needed to hear those words. It always seems so much easier just to dwell on the negativity in your life. I consider myself a professional and tend to have my own pity party on a regular basis. But I am in my early 30's and have the tendancy to look forward in time dreading the idea of aging. How nice it would be to stay young forever... But I am now worried that life will slip me by, and I'm spending all these years saying "I wish, I want, If only, etc." Before I know it... I will be 60 and have nothing to look back upon and feel successful about. I may not have the job I always dreamed of. I may not have that child in my arms yet. I may not have that big home that I want to entertain in.... BUT.... I DO have a job that pays my bills and supports me. I DO have an amazing husband who loves me dearly. I DO have a cozy little home that supplies a roof over my head. And all of the above can and will be changed and are within reach. So rather than dwelling on what I don't have, I need to focus on what I do have, and be grateful for those things in my life. Things will change, things WILL get better. I can't live this life I've got now with regrets because I don't know how long I've even got it for.

So to those girls in the land rover: THANK YOU!!! Thank you for those 3 powerful words that really made an impact for me last night. God Bless.

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