
Here you will not only find the latest happenings with DDB, but you will also get to read about little snippets of things I find moving, important, random, or informative/helpful to others. I hope that by giving you a little insight into my life that you will have the opportunity to understand me a bit more. Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Motivated All Around

Why is it that it's so easy to fall off the bandwagon when it comes to working out? I don't get it. I love working out. I love the way I feel afterwards, and it is my own self care promise. This week is my first week working out again since two weeks ago. The death of my grandmother made for a hectic few days which is where the "stopping" started. Then the following week, it did nothing but rain.... ugh! So I just was not in the mood to get up at 5:30 AM to treck 20 mins to the gym.

However, I turned over a new leaf Sunday evening. I told myself I was getting back on track this week. My goal: To get to the gym Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays... yes, at 6AM. Then on Tuesdays (which is today), I'm going to kickboxing class at cko clubs. LOVE it! My body has never had a better workout than it does at kickboxing. It's worth every penny! Taking all the days frustrations out on a heavy bag... doesn't get any better than that!! So as I sit in my office chair all day, I start to mentally prepare myself for cko this evening...

Maybe it will disperse some of the stress I'm feeling about preparing for this weekends craft fair. I really hope I have enough inventory and an eye catching display to make for a successful day.

There have been lots of things on my mind lately. I really am trying to focus on prayer, and the positive. Trying to be grateful for all that I have and to just live humbly. It's always easier said than done of course. Someone else always has what you want, and that green eyed monster comes out wishing for more, bringing feelings of negativity into your head. I do appreciate everything I have. There are many others in worse situations. I am a very fortunate person and am motivating myself all around in the area of self care.

Have a blessed day.

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